E2A has negotiated the following Protected Area declarations for the establishment of ecological corridors to link existing protected areas.
In terms of Sections 23 and 28 of the National Environmental Management: Protected Area (NEM:PA) Act (Act No 57 of 2003)
- A 40,000 ha “Protected Environment” in the Springbokvlakte Corridor area – linking Addo Elephant National Park to Baviaanskloof World Heritage Site.
- A 580 ha “Nature Reserve” in the Skilderkrantz Heights Corridor – linking Baviaanskloof World Heritage Site to Formosa Nature Reserve.
- A 850 ha “Protected Environment ” in the Robberg Coastal Corridor – linking the Garden Route National Park to Robberg Nature Reserve, 1st phase.
- A 7,800 ha “Nature Reserve” in the Skilderkrantz Heights Corridor – linking Baviaanskloof World Heritage Site to Formosa Nature Reserve
E2A is in the process of negotiating the declaration of:
- A 200 ha “Protected Environment” in the Robberg Coastal Corridor – linking the Garden Route National Park to Robberg Nature Reserve, 2nd phase.
- A 7,900 ha block of “Nature Reserves” in the Keurbooms River Corridor (phase 1) – connecting the Western section of the Garden Route National Park to the Eastern section of the Tsitsikamma National Park
- Increasing the hectarage and broadening the Langkloof Corridor by declaring additional properties Nature Reserve linked to management plans to restore the habitats
E2A is therefore responsible for adding 50,000 ha of privately owned land to the national conservation estate, through biodiversity stewardship. A significant contribution to the national 20 year target.
E2A has implemented an Integrated Catchment Management Programme in priority quaternary catchments in the Keurbooms river system.
Outputs Achieved:
- 760 hectares of dense black wattle cleared (80 – 90%);
- 744 hectares of follow-up completed;
- 20922 person days of employment created over 32 months;
- Introduction, establishment and monitoring of 2 biological control agents for black wattle (Dasineura rubiformis, Melanterius maculata);
- Introduction of one biological control agent for hakea (2 other biocontrol agents already established and the 4th not available from PPRI);
- 1,147million m³ of water released, from alien plant consumption into the Keurbooms river system since inception based on 85% average density (Nel. et al 2008);
- Successful integration of fire and invasive plant management at scale;
- Herbicide trial of 6 plots of 16m² each to find most suitable foliar application rates post-fire;
- Follow-up commitment from landowner secured using permanent team of 8;
Climate change alone is expected to threaten with extinction approximately 1/4 or more of all species on land by the year 2050.
The projected rainfall and temperature changes for South Africa (to 2050 and beyond) indicate a general pattern of a risk of drier conditions to the west and south of the country and a risk of wetter conditions over the east of the country.
Habitat-based conservation strategies cannot compensate for climate-change-induced range loss. Protected area management and corridor establishment are more effective than matrix improvement. (Nature Climate Change volume7, pages823–827 (2017)
Eden to Addo is establishing west-east corridors and north- south conservation corridors on a regional level spanning the Western Cape and the Eastern Cape to compensate for climate change induced loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
The tangible climate change adaptation actions adopted by Eden to Addo to the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning feeds into the strategic priorities of South Africa’s National Adaptation Strategy as follows:
1. Protecting and conserving South Africa’s most vulnerable ecosystems in the Nama and Succulent Karoo, the Forest and Fynbos biomes by negotiating the declaration of Nature Reserves and Protected Environments on private land. “Up to 80% of land with valuable and threatened biodiversity in South Africa lies in private hands -” Dr Kas Hamman, Cape Nature ( Sub- Priority 4.1 RSA National Adaptation Strategy )
2. By E2A’s careful preparation of management plans and APO’s, taking into account climate resilient approaches to natural resources and ecosystem goods and services, resilient ecological infrastructure is ensured. As agriculture accounts for 20-30% of greenhouse gas emissions, improved landscape management is essential for both poverty eradication and for carbon removal. ( Sub- Priority 4.2, 4.3 RSA National Adaptation Strategy )
3. By purchasing farm land in the E2A proposed Springbokvlakte Corridor in partnership with WWF land Program, an area increasingly affected by drought as climate changes, declaring the properties Protected Environments and restoring the biodiversity degraded by small stock and opening fences to allow movement of natural species, the reduction of genetic diversity and species richness is mitigated.
4. By researching and implementing tourism industries on land no longer stock farmed due to an increasing incidence of drought, economic vulnerability is reduced for previously disadvantaged communities, an indirect result of climate change effects. ( Sub- Priority 2.3 RSA National Adaptation Strategy )
5. By the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of ecosystems within the E2A corridor the supply of fresh water and flood control is provided under climate variability and change, including extreme events, to the Port Elizabeth and Bitou Communities. ( Groot, Braam and Keurbooms Rivers)( Population 1.37 million inhabitants )
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