Its the time of water, fire and earth for Eden to Addo – the lack of rain causing drought conditions and resultant fires with much discussion as to how we look after the scorched earth.
But first of all we must thank all the kind donors who supported Eden to Addo’s 3 year ” Work, Water, Life ” alien clearing project within the Keurbooms River Catchment Area started in August 2014 as this has had a marked effect on the available water for the inhabitants of Bitou – approximately 1700000 cubic meters water has been freed up from the over 1000ha cleared over this period albeit some by fire. Without the release of this water into the Keurbooms River, Bitou’s primary source of water, we would have had far more severe water restrictions now. Furthermore, work was created for more than 100 individuals. The project has come to and end due to the lack of hoped for R350000.00 co-funding from Bitou Municipality for the extension of payment of wages for a fourth year by the Department of Environmental Affairs.
As from August 2016 three of Eden to Addo’s four corridors have been ravaged by fire with the latest fire in June decimating the Robberg Coastal Corridor. For information on how to treat the scorched earth and the expected upwelling of alien vegetation click here.
The destructive fires in June was contrasted by the wonderful news that Unesco approved the declaration of the Garden Route as one of the worlds 669 Biospehere Reserves. The status is internationally recognised. Another string to the bow for the conservation work within the Eden to Addo Corridors of the Garden Route. Have a look at Eden to Addo’s contribution to the video, “Biospheres and Water” by clicking here.