Flow of Life run

On the 11th of November acclaimed photographer/artist Damien Schumann and popular actor Clyde Berning will ‘ sweat it out’ to raise money for the Eden to Addo biodiversity corridor.

They will be embarking on an epic 8 day journey, using the privilege of movement to run the 350km Eden to Addo biodiversity corridor. The run is titled “Flow of life” as it highlights how movement is essential to all species. “This corridor area happens to be the most biodiverse on earth, from the tiny half worm, half insect peripatus that has remained unchanged for 500 million years to the succulent haworthia to the black rhino – this is biodiversity at its best – and that is why it is essential for us to protect it. “

The aim is to complete the run in 8 days as follows:

Start: Addo Elephant National Park

Stage 1: 37km
Stage 2: 54km
Stage 3: 27km
Stage 4: 45km
Stage 5: 48km
Stage 6: 45km
Stage 7: 41km
Stage 8: 57km

End: Garden Of Eden, Garden Route National Park

The run will be filmed and photographed along the way and content will be released during and after the run so keep an eye on all our pages to see how the run unfolds.

How can you support the organisation and the run?

You can donate towards the run which will enable Eden to Addo to purchase land and ensure the corridor stays permanently open:

Flow of Life Given Gain donation page:


You can also help us by spreading the word and sharing information about the run and Eden to Addo:

Eden to Addo pages:


Runner – Damien Schumann’s pages:

Website – www.dspgallery.com

Runner – Clyde Bernings pages:


Trip Photographer & Filmmaker – Kevin Schnider


For more information you can contact:

Eden to Addo: